Amplifying Voices
A FACCC Podcast
Episode 18 | FACCC PAC's Impact on Elections and Advocacy
In this episode of Amplifying Voices, FACCC Political Action Committee (PAC) Chair Joel Blank and Faculty Coordinator Andrew Aleman reflect on the highlights of the 2024 election cycle. Explore the success rate of FACCC PAC-endorsed candidates for the Assembly, Senate, and local Boards of Trustees, and learn how FACCC PAC is preparing to amplify the voices of California Community College faculty ahead of the pivotal 2026 gubernatorial elections. Discover how FACCC PAC connects local communities with statewide representatives to ensure policymakers fully understand the essential role of higher education faculty.
Thank you to Ryan Tripp and Amy Leonard of the FACCC Communications Committee for hosting!
Episode 17 | Student Leaders Shaping California Higher Ed
Join host Ryan Tripp as FACCC PAC Student Coordinators Logan Fisher and Jacob Roe share their unique journeys through the California Community College system. While their paths differ, both have benefited from the resources, workshops, and connections they’ve built within the higher education community. We are deeply appreciative of their contributions to the FACCC organization, especially in navigating the challenging legislative and election seasons. Their efforts have truly made a difference!
Episode 16 | Advocating for Equity
In this episode of Amplifying Voices, John Govsky, an Associate faculty member at Cabrillo College, shares his personal journey and insights grappling with the disparities faced by contingent faculty. As a dedicated advocate, he tirelessly campaigns for the rights of part-time faculty.
John's fervor lies in advocating for implementing a one-tier system, or Unified Faculty Model, debatably inspired by the Vancouver Model in British Columbia. This proposed system stands in contrast to the existing structure within the California Community Colleges, which privileges full-time faculty while relegating contingent faculty to a subordinate status without avenues for advancement. The essence of the Unified Faculty Model is to bridge this gap among faculty members.
Highlighting the prevalence of contingent faculty within the community college system, John emphasizes that today’s arrangement diverges significantly from the intended vision of the "architects" of the higher education system from the 1950s-1960s. His own entry into teaching revealed the hierarchical nature of the employment system, prompting him to deepen his involvement within his union and emerge as a leading advocate for a Unified Faculty Model.
Episode 15|Honoring Pride: Advocacy and Reflection in California's Community Colleges
In this episode of our podcast, we delve into the significance of Pride Month, a time dedicated to honoring the LGBTQIA+ community, acknowledging their progress, and reflecting on the challenges they continue to face on their journey towards equality and acceptance. Our guest, Annie Koruga (they/them), currently holds the position of Legislative Affairs Director for Region IV of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC). Their tenure in this role concludes on July 1, after which they will transition to the position of Vice President of Legislative Affairs for the SSCCC in the upcoming year. Annie shares insights into the experiences and perspectives of LGBTQIA+ students within the California Community College system.
Throughout the conversation, Annie sheds light on the challenges many within the LGBTQIA+ community face in asserting and safeguarding their identities and rights. Emphasizing the importance of ongoing advocacy, Annie highlights the proactive measures needed to support and advance the LGBTQIA+ cause.
Speaking from personal experience, Annie underscores the crucial role of advocacy and policy in promoting inclusivity and acceptance. They discuss the SSCCC Queer Caucus's efforts, which include sponsoring resolutions aimed at amplifying queer voices and experiences. Notably, one resolution advocates for the integration of "queer studies" into California Community College curricula, providing both LGBTQIA+ and non-LGBTQIA+ students with a platform to learn about the community's history and contributions.
Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of Pride Month and the ongoing efforts to create a more inclusive and equitable environment for the LGBTQIA+ community within California's community college system.
Episode 14 | Empowering Education: Reviving the March in March with Dr. James McKeever
Join hosts Ryan Tripp and John Fox in the latest episode of Amplifying Voices. In this installment, we are privileged to hear from Dr. James McKeever, President of AFT 1521 Faculty Guild and sociology professor at Los Angeles Pierce College. Dr. McKeever played a pivotal role in reviving the March in March after a decade-long hiatus, a movement dedicated to safeguarding educational resources and opportunities for both students and educators. He passionately advocates for the continuation of the March in March as an annual tradition, emphasizing its broader objectives including advocating for affordable housing, expanding access to the college promise, and empowering students to actively shape their narratives rather than leaving them in the hands of politicians.
Dr. McKeever reminisces about the early days of the March in March, highlighting its significance in addressing the challenges faced by students today. This conversation underscores the importance of nurturing students' aspirations and providing them with the resources to pursue their dreams. Interested in getting involved? Spread the word across your campuses to ensure that both students and faculty are ready to participate. Additionally, you can become part of the preparation group for next year's March in March by reaching out to Dr. James McKeever at [email protected].
Episode 13 | Kipp Mueller, Candidate for California State Senate District 23
Join us for an election themed episode of the FACCC podcast, Amplifying Voices, featuring Kipp Mueller, a candidate for California State Senate District 23 (SD 23) in the 2024 cycle. Kipp shares his journey within the California Community College system, shaped by his mother's impactful role as a counselor at American River College, and his deep understanding of the vital support community colleges provide to all students.
With a firsthand understanding of the significance of quality healthcare negotiated through union solidarity, Kipp highlights its crucial role in nurturing flourishing communities. His academic path, from UC Berkeley to Columbia University for employment and labor law studies, underscores his steadfast dedication to advancing workers' rights and ensuring educational accessibility.
In this conversation, Kipp passionately shares his mission of empowering labor unions, advocating for the working class, and enhancing healthcare access. Endorsed by FACCC, Kipp Mueller embodies hope for faculty focused and transformative policy initiatives in the California State Senate.
Episode 12 | AI and Bots in Higher Education
Tune in for an enlightening interview with Dave Balch, a respected faculty member from California's community college system, as we delve into the realm of AI and bots. Drawing from his own experiences, Dave offers profound insights into how educators are harnessing AI's capabilities while navigating its limitations. His extensive research on AI's educational impact prompts discussions about crafting essential policies addressing AI's definition, diverse applications, and integrity considerations. Tune in to gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of education and technology!
Episode 11 | A Journey of Leadership and Balance
Join us for a special episode of Amplifying Voices with host Ryan Tripp as he engages in a heartfelt conversation with the now former FACCC Executive Director, Evan Hawkins. This exclusive interview takes listeners on a reflective journey through Evan's impactful tenure within the California Community College system.
The heart of the conversation delves into Evan's professional growth, starting from his role as Membership Director within FACCC to the pinnacle of his career as the Executive Director. In a candid moment, Evan reveals that his number one priority has shifted to supporting his daughter and family, underscoring the importance of achieving a healthy work-life balance. Despite his transition from the Executive Director role, Evan reassures listeners that his commitment to FACCC remains, as he plans to take on a consulting role within the organization.
Don't miss this insightful episode, where Evan Hawkins shares not just the milestones of his professional journey but also the profound shift towards family values.
Episode 10 | Kristofer Ray and Brady DeSanti, Understanding and Teaching Native American History
In partnership with the New Books Network, we welcome two esteemed guests, Kristofer Ray (UNC-Wilmington) and Brady DeSanti (Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe, UN-Omaha), for this episode of Amplifying Voices. Kristofer and Brady co-edited a collection of essays, penned by cross-disciplinary authors, on pedagogical and curricular frameworks for comprehending and instructing Native American History, titled Understanding and Teaching Native American History.
Tailored to empower educators at all levels, this volume facilitates the seamless integration of Native American History into California and U.S.-wide lesson plans. From debates over teacher land acknowledgements and blood quantum entanglements with multiethnic diasporas, to approaching American genocides and indigenous student perspectives, the volume delivers content and resources spanning the Native Americas, indigenous worlds, and beyond.
Episode 9 | Honoring Native American Heritage: A Closer Look at College of the Canyons
In recognition of Native American Heritage Month, the FACCC Communications Committee presents a special two-part podcast series dedicated to the rich and diverse heritage of Native Americans. In this first episode, we dive deep into the heart of Native American culture and academia by inviting esteemed colleagues and Native American Studies faculty members from College of the Canyons, Wendy Trujillo and Laurie Solis.
Join us as we explore the incredible work of the College of the Canyons' Native American and Indigenous Alliance. Discover their commitment to nurturing a supportive and inclusive environment for indigenous students and their efforts to strengthen cultural awareness on campus. We'll also shed light on the remarkable expansion of the Native American Student Success & Support Program, which aims to empower Native American students and provide them with the resources they need to thrive academically.
Episode 8, Part 2 | LGBTQIA+ Activism Within the CCC System
Coordinator/Counselor Dean Steckman joins us in the company of 3 student leaders from various institutions to shed light on the remarkable contributions they have made to LGBTQIA+ activism in their local communities and wider California Community College system. Together, their goal is to bring attention to the fundamental needs, available resources, and comprehensive support required by many students within this community.
A huge thank you to our guests Dean Steckman, Sunny Ramirez, Elwin Agtang, and Ruby Dewar, and to the faculty members who helped coordinate this episode!
Episode 8, Part 1 | An LGBTQ+ Community Leader Within the CCC System
De Anza College faculty member, Alicia Mullens, opens up about her personal journey in navigating the LGBTQ+ community within the California Community College system. She not only shares her experiences but also highlights her transformative role as an advocate for others within the community.
Discover more about the ongoing efforts to create inclusive and affirming spaces for all members of the LGBTQ+ community in higher education. As Pride Month comes to a close, join us in celebrating the diversity that makes our campuses stronger.
You can check out the De Anza Pride Center here:
Episode 7 | Understanding Disabilities Within the California Community Colleges
Join host Ryan Tripp and special guest Dr. Wayne C. Downey as they discuss various ways to elevate the understanding of individuals with diverse challenges or limiting attributes within the higher education community. Dr. Downey's personal experience enhances an appreciation for these individuals while shedding light on how their distinct characteristics shape their identities and foster an environment of diversity and inclusivity within our higher education institutions.
Stay tuned for our upcoming eighth episode, which will center around Pride Month.
Episode 6 | The Student Perspective with FACCC Student-Coordinators Anna Mathews and Jenny Dang
In this latest episode of Amplifying Voices, we sit down with two FACCC student-coordinators who are currently working to further promote the organization's mission and raise the student voice.
Anna Mathews and Jenny Dang bring a fresh perspective as they share their higher education experience as students while simultaneously working with an organization that represents the interests of faculty members within the California Community College system.
Episode 5 | The 70th Anniversary of FACCC
FACCC was established in 1953 by educators from community colleges who identified the necessity of advocating for their fellow faculty members. As the organization commemorates its 70th anniversary, join host Ryan Tripp, former Executive Director Jonathan Lightman, and current Executive Director Evan Hawkins as they discuss the inception of FACCC. Moreover, Anna Mathews, the current FACCC Student Coordinator, makes a guest appearance on this episode; she will be transitioning to the role of Advocacy Manager this summer.
Episode 4 | 2022 Election Outcomes and Their Impacts on California Community Colleges
Hosts Ryan Tripp and FACCC Vice President, Oranit Limmaneeprasert chat with FACCC Membership Coordinator, Herlim Li and FACCC Executive Director, Evan Hawkins on the outcomes of the November 8 election and their various impacts on California Community Colleges.
Episode 3 | Kelsey Iino, FACCC-endorsed Candidate for the LACCD Board of Trustees
The chair of the FACCC Communications Committee and the FACCC President chat with Dr. Kelsey Iino about her background, her plans for the LACCD Board, her perspectives on statewide educational policies, and her vision of California community colleges. In spring 2022, Kelsey served as an interim trustee after Mike Fong vacated Seat 7 of the LACCCD Board. Kelsey’s proposals and actions during this brief term of service garnered her the FACCC endorsement.
November 8, 2022: Congratulations Dr. Kelsey Iino on your appointment to the Los Angeles Community College Board of Trustees, Seat No. 7!
Episode 2 | The Costs of Completion with Educator and Author Robin G. Isserles
Join hosts Ryan Tripp and John Fox of the FACCC Communications Committee as they interview their guest, educator and author Robin G. Isserles.
In her recently published book, The Costs of Completion: Student Success in Community College (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2021), Robin contextualizes the completion crisis as an artifact of the neoliberal thinking and practices that have shaped higher public education over the past 30 years.
Order your own copy today with code "HTWN" and save 30%!
Episode 1 | FACCC's Past, Present, and Future
From the FACCC Communications Committee, hosts Ryan Tripp and Amy Leonard introduce Executive Director, Evan Hawkins and FACCC President, Wendy Brill-Wynkoop to discuss the past, present, and future changes to the organization.